کانال تلگرام مهاجرسرا

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به تاریخ ارسال مطالب دقت فرمایید.
شرایط و وضعیت پروسه ویزا دائم در حال تغییر است و ممکن است مطالب قدیمی شامل تغییراتی باشد.
جواب سفارت آنکارا در مورد آدرس دریافت گرین کارت و ....
من از سفارت 3تا سوال درمورد 1- تغییر آدرس گرین کارت 2- اعتبار ویزا بعد از 30 سپتامبر و 3- حداقل زمانی که باید در US بمونیم داشتم.
متن سوال و جواب رو میگذارم اینجا:
I've got three questions that I would be thankful if you help me with them:
1- The ending time of the DV-2008 program -as mentioned on the website- is 30th of September. The expiration date of my Visa is 28th of December. I need to know if I should fly to United States before ending the DV-2008 program or I do have time till the end of my Visa expiration. 2- Because of my work situation, I might go back to my country after a while. I need to know that is it required to stay in United States for a specific duration of time? Or I can go back anytime? 3- For the Final address, given in the yellow envelope, I've submitted the first address I had given. Now, is there a problem if I fly to Virginia(Sponsor's address) directly while my final address is in Oregon? So many thanks in advance for you cooperation. Regards
و اینم جواب:

The ending date of the DV program is the last day a visa can be issued in this program. The visas are valid for 6 months after the issuance date. Thus you may travel to US within the validity of your issued visa even if the DV program ends on September 30th. There is no specific time period that you should stay in the US after your first entry, however, green card holders cannot stay out of US for more than 1 year. For detailed information on the duration of stay out of US, please click on http://www.uscis.gov/files/article/B4.pdf. Your green card will be sent to the address printed on the page stapled on your yellow visa packet. You do not need to be present at that address but you should follow the delivery of your cards from there. If you wish, you may change this address at the port of entry when you make your first entrance to U.S.
Immigrant Visa Unit
تشکر کنندگان: کامران ، samad ، Masoud ، reza1974 ، mahan ، Ali_img ، meweadl ، Hojjat

پیام‌های این موضوع
جواب سفارت آنکارا در مورد آدرس دریافت گرین کارت و .... - توسط Neda - 2008-07-09 ساعت 11:17

کاربران در حال بازدید این موضوع: 1 مهمان