کانال تلگرام مهاجرسرا

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شرایط و وضعیت پروسه ویزا دائم در حال تغییر است و ممکن است مطالب قدیمی شامل تغییراتی باشد.
Free English talk
Here I want to start a topic for improving our language abilities. My English language is in "starter" level and I expect stronger users help me and others to improve our language abilities.

We want a topic for discussion so I raise this question:
How immigration changes your life?

Please reply in English.

I apologise if I had mistakes. Please correct me. thanks
immigrating is always huge ambition in every nation
its accurately like a knife
it can be great chance by its own and actually can be a disaster 
case number:2010AS00021xxx
تاریخ دریافت نامه قبولی:June--2009
تاریخ ارسال فرمهای سری اول: JUNE--2009
تاریخ کارنت شدن کیس:june2010
تاریخ دریافت نامه دوم:
تاریخ مصاحبه:july7
تاریخ دریافت کلیرنس::23 aguestBig Grin (کشت همه رو تا اومدBig Grin )
خوبه آبجی؟

تشکر کنندگان: mohsen324 ، yek_mosafer ، sanaz2010 ، hvm ، pashaneco ، parastoo mohajer ، msar
Immigration is actually, good or bad, start of a new life. It can be an opportunity and it can be a treat at the same time. Imagine you lose your job and the life you have made at your home country, all your life will become a suitcase and a limited amount of money, and you go and chase your fortune somewhere entirely different in terms of culture, lifestyle, and … .

If you succeed in building up proper relations with the new environment, then you are a successful immigrant and the doors of new opportunities. If, heaven forbid, your miscalculate, it will be a huge loss of money and efforts.

Let's hope we are all successful immigrants.
قرعه كشي 2010 خاطره شد ...
بچه ها

متني كه محسن نوشته... يه امتياز خيلي خوب داره. ساده نوشته و سعي كرده با ساده ترين واژه ها و ساختارها منظور خودشرو برسونه. اين مسأله باعث شده غلط هاش كمتر تغريبا در حد صفر باشه. كم غلط تر بودن يه متن يعني راحت تر بودن فهمش براي خواننده.

يه جا گفته Here I want to start a topic for improving our language abilities كه اين جمله اشكالي نداره، اما قشنگ تر و درست تر بود اگه مي گفت: Here I want to start a topic to improve our language abilities.

آقا محسن گل متأسفانه به علامت گذاري ها (Punctuation) توجه لازم رو نداشته. البته بي توجه هم نبوده ولي هنوز بايد روي اين مسأله كار كنه (اگه توانايي نوشتاري مد نظرشه). به نظر من متن محسن اينجوري خيلي بهتر و جالب تر مي شه (اسمش رو اصلاح نگذاريد، چون عملا غلط قابل توجهي نداره):
Here, I want to start a topic to our language abilities. My English language is in "starter" level and I expect more competant users help me and others to improve our language abilities.

We want a topic for discussion so I raise this question:
How immigration changes your life?

Please reply in English.

I apologize if I had mistakes. Please correct me. thanks

يه تذكر آموزشي هم داريم براي محسن جان و دوستاني كه مي خوان برن آمريكا، سعي كنيد نوشتار آمريكايي واژه ها رو به كار ببريد. مثلا به جاي apologise بنويسيد apologize. خيلي لغت هاي ديگه هم هستند كه املاي آمريكايي و انگليسي متفاوتي دارند. در اين مورد يه فايلي ضميمه كردم كه مي تونه بهتون ايده بده. البته هيچ مرجع جامعي در اين مورد وجود نداره.

نكته آخر اين كه... من تا جايي كه مشغله كاريم اجازه بده در اين مورد وقت مي گذارم. اما قبول كنيد اموزش زبان كار زمان بري هستش. اميدوارم همه دوستان از من توقع پاسخ يا اصلاح متن هاشون رو نداشته باشند.

فایل‌های پیوست
.pdf   Spelling differences between American and British English.pdf (اندازه 95.83 KB / تعداد دانلود: 871)
قرعه كشي 2010 خاطره شد ...
!The name of Topic was not accurately mentioned
This could be more appropriate:
?How does immigration change your life

Not please correct me!!
It's better say : Please rectify me

"shall you please tell me what you mean of "so I raise this question
?why raise
تشکر کنندگان: Ashkan78 ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، hvm ، sib 24 ، msar
Dear Mohammad,

Please have a look at the definition of raise in the below link. In the definition 9 you will read:

To put forward for consideration: raised an important question

(2010-07-09 ساعت 13:20)usa.lover نوشته:  "shall you please tell me what you mean of "so I raise this question
?why raise
قرعه كشي 2010 خاطره شد ...
تشکر کنندگان: usa.lover ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، aadine ، RosalovesUSA ، msar
Thank you Ashkan for correcting.

I am 23 now and I want to experience the common life in United States. The marriage itself is a huge "Change" in everyone's life while some people says immigration is much bigger change in compare to marriage. I think immigration wouldn't change my common life experience because I never experience the common life in Iran.

Sorry for bad English.
تشکر کنندگان: yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، msar ، inanna
Great idea! Just please let everyone post their says. People get disappointed when they receive lots of input on their grammar or vocabulary! Though I too, stand corrected.
Much love
تشکر کنندگان: yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، amir2640 ، msar ، inanna
(2010-07-09 ساعت 19:35)msnazi نوشته:  Thank you Ashkan for correcting.

I am 23 now and I want to experience the common life in United States. The marriage itself is a huge "Change" in everyone's life while some people says immigration is much bigger change in compare to marriage. I think immigration wouldn't change my common life experience because I never experience the common life in Iran.

Sorry for bad English.

: Mistakes
Some people say, NOT says
Because it is plural

Immigration is a much bigger chance
. you should introduce specific thing(s) to be able to compare

In compare with, NOT to
"you could use " Compared to
Or " in comparison with
تشکر کنندگان: Ashkan78 ، mohsen324 ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، parmida.722 ، hvm ، nedali ، msar
In addition to Mohammad's corrections, you'd rather say:

1- immigration is an "important issue" instead of "important change"
2- insyead of "compare to marriage" "compared to marriage" Mohammad also pointed out
3- I never experienced social life in Iran ...

(2010-07-09 ساعت 19:35)msnazi نوشته:  Thank you Ashkan for correcting.

I am 23 now and I want to experience the common life in United States. The marriage itself is a huge "Change" in everyone's life while some people says immigration is much bigger change in compare to marriage. I think immigration wouldn't change my common life experience because I never experience the common life in Iran.

Sorry for bad English.
قرعه كشي 2010 خاطره شد ...
تشکر کنندگان: mohsen324 ، usa.lover ، Hossein81 ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، parmida.722 ، parastoo mohajer ، msar
Dear Mohsen
Thank u so much for your new topic about this essential matter ..
In my opinion immigration it would be shocked in your life and I think we should see all aspects of that such as our goals , our age , our family, married or not married, and specially our feelings..for example we have to list our priority in this new lifestyle and plan for each time of our life. Of course we grown up in different socity and maybe most of things there can be new but we should increase our self adjustment.On the other hand I think if we imagine ourself in new conditions at new place we can creat better decition and hopeful for success.

I do appreciated if u let me know my wrongs in spite of I know that's full of errors. [/align]
Lottery 2010
U.S Citizen
Los Angeles, CA

Nothing is impossible
تشکر کنندگان: yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، parastoo mohajer ، msar
I'm agree with you Hossein, many things there will be new and this is why people shocked in first years or mounts of immigration.
تشکر کنندگان: yek_mosafer ، msar
يه فايل جالب راجع به تفاوت هاي واژگان انگليسي بريتانيايي و آمريكايي پيدا كردم توي فايل هام. گفتم شايد واسه دوستان مفيد باشه.

فایل‌های پیوست
.pdf   American & British English.pdf (اندازه 38.45 KB / تعداد دانلود: 711)
قرعه كشي 2010 خاطره شد ...
تشکر کنندگان: Hossein81 ، kianoush ، usa.lover ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، parmida.722 ، Jav3 ، milad_aae ، parastoo mohajer ، msar
(2010-07-10 ساعت 09:32)msnazi نوشته:  I'm agree with you Hossein, many things there will be new and this is why people shocked in first years or mounts of immigration.

I personaly think that most of immigrants will be confuse after face new rules and new persons and sometime change new place can be shocked for a new comer. Now do u have any idea for decrease these kind of issues.?
Lottery 2010
U.S Citizen
Los Angeles, CA

Nothing is impossible
تشکر کنندگان: yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، msar
(2010-07-10 ساعت 00:23)Hossein81 نوشته:  Dear Mohsen
Thank u so much for your new topic about this essential matter ..
In my opinion, immigration would be a shock in your life and I think we should see all aspects of that such as our goals , our age , our family, married or not married, and specially our feelings..for example we have to list our priorities in this new lifestyle and plan for each time of our life. Of course we grown up in different socity and maybe most of things there can be new but we should increase our self adjustment.On the other hand I think if we imagine ourself in new conditions at new place we can create better decision and hopeful for success.

I do appreciate if u let me know my wrongs in spite of I know that's full of errors. [/align]

(2010-07-10 ساعت 09:32)msnazi نوشته:  I agree with you Hossein, many things there will be new and this is why people are shocked in the first years or mounts of immigration.

(2010-07-10 ساعت 12:15)Hossein81 نوشته:  I personaly think that most of immigrants will be confused after facing new rules and new persons and sometime change new place can be shocked for a new comer. Now do u have any idea to decrease these kinds of issue(It's better).?

!Please notice to the passive form
If you tend to say something in a passive form, you must use one of the
to be verbs before the main verb and afterward, make the main verb to the past particle form( most of time, you need to add "ed" at the end of the main verb)a
These are the to be verbs :
تشکر کنندگان: Ashkan78 ، mohsen324 ، Manofconviction ، yek_mosafer ، OverLord ، User ، Hossein81 ، parmida.722 ، Jav3 ، msar

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