2012-08-16 ساعت 02:47
(2012-08-15 ساعت 20:45)پرنیان90 نوشته: بچه ها منم نبودم، امروز صبح میل زدم 2 ساعت بعد جواب دادند، براتون میزارم من که افسرده شدم
According to our records, your administrative process has not been completed yet. If the processing is completed before the end of the DV 2012 program, your case number will be announced on our web site (http://turkey.usembassy.gov/immigrant_ad...ssing.html or http://www.usemb-ankara.org.tr/ if you cannot reach our web site from Iran). Once your case number is posted on our web site, you may come to our office any Monday through Thursday between 1:00 to 1:30. After your personal appearance at our office, we will review your case again. If everything is in order, your visa packet will be prepared and sent to your address in Turkey, which you will provide to UPS. We encourage you to come to our office as soon as possible after seeing your case number to avoid having to initiate another administrative processing.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
پرنيان جان عادي به همه همينو ميگن نگران نباش واسه منو تو وهمه زود زود ميد انشاله