2013-04-09 ساعت 20:09
به نام خدا
سلام من برای تابستان می خوام برم آمریکا توی سایت دانشگاه نوشته که
Statement of Financial Support: Please provide proof that you have sufficient financial resources to meet the tuition and living expenses of the summer program. Such proof can be either an original letter from your bank, stating specifically that you have sufficient resources to meet all expenses of the program, or an original letter from a scholarship organization that will play your expenses. This proof can be no older than 6 months old. If you are going to be supported by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, your sponsor must complete and Affidavit of Support form (USCIS I-134) form accompanied by the financial document required of this form. You will need two original versions of your financial documentation, one for the application and one to present to the embassy when you apply for a visa. Please upload a financial statement that is no older than 6 months old.
حالا من نمی دونم باید چه کار کنم اصلا اطلاعاتی در این زمینه ها ندارم کمکم کنید.
اگر بخوام فاند بگیرم باید چه کار کنم؟
این فرم I-134 چی هستش؟
می خوام از دولت آمریکایی فاند بگیرم چه کار باید بکنم؟
سلام من برای تابستان می خوام برم آمریکا توی سایت دانشگاه نوشته که
Statement of Financial Support: Please provide proof that you have sufficient financial resources to meet the tuition and living expenses of the summer program. Such proof can be either an original letter from your bank, stating specifically that you have sufficient resources to meet all expenses of the program, or an original letter from a scholarship organization that will play your expenses. This proof can be no older than 6 months old. If you are going to be supported by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, your sponsor must complete and Affidavit of Support form (USCIS I-134) form accompanied by the financial document required of this form. You will need two original versions of your financial documentation, one for the application and one to present to the embassy when you apply for a visa. Please upload a financial statement that is no older than 6 months old.
حالا من نمی دونم باید چه کار کنم اصلا اطلاعاتی در این زمینه ها ندارم کمکم کنید.
اگر بخوام فاند بگیرم باید چه کار کنم؟
این فرم I-134 چی هستش؟
می خوام از دولت آمریکایی فاند بگیرم چه کار باید بکنم؟