حالا که تو این چند روزه خبری از آپدیت نیست، بیاین یکم معلوماتمون رو بالا ببریم. گفتم یک سرچی کنم که این پروسه اداری چیه که اینا انجام میدن. فعلا این دوتا مطلب رو پیدا کردم. وقت کردین بخونین. بد نیست.
Security Advisory Opinion (SAO) or
Washington Special Clearance,[1] commonly called security clearance, administrative clearance, or
administrative processing,[2] is a process the United States Department of State and the diplomatic missions of the United States use in deciding to grant or deny a United States visa to certain visa applicants. The process involves sending a request from the visa issuing post to the
Department of State's headquarters in Washington, D.C., to investigate an individual's case for
possible espionage, terrorism, and illegal export of technology out of the United States.[3]
Apart from the Department of State, the process involves other agencies of the federal government of the United States, specially those under Department of Homeland Security. Some of the agencies involved are: FBI, CIA, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, Interpol, and the Department of State's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation.[4]
According to a report by the United States Government Accountability
Office, as of November 30, 2004, 87% of Visas Mantis cases (one of the various kinds of SAOs) has been cleared in 30 days or less, 5% were taking 31–60 days, 5% were taking 61–90 days, 1% were taking 91–120 days and the final 2% were taking more than 120 days.[11] The average time was 15 days, which was significantly reduced, as the same report mentions that during October 2003, the average was 75 days.[11] On February 11, 2005, the Department of State mentioned that it "has been able to decrease the average time to obtain Visas Mantis clearance to less than 14 days".[8]
What is a Security Advisory Opinion?
Security Advisory Opinions (SAOs) are created in response to a request by a U.S. consulate for a background security check on a foreign national who is applying for a U.S. visa. There are several different types of SAOs as explained below.
When a foreign national applies for a nonimmigrant visa at a U.S. consulate abroad, the applicant’s name is run through a
name-check system referred to as the Consular
Lookout and Support System (CLASS). Any existing problems in an applicant’s background that are known to the U.S. government cause the applicant’s name to be flagged for the consulate’s attention.
applicants who are citizens of, born in, or have some strong connection to one of the following countries (often referred to as “the list of 26”) are also subject to an SAO:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Dijbouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.3
Types of SAOs and Related Visa Processing Delays
There are nine types of SAOs. Most relevant to non-immigrant visa applicants are the Visas Mantis, Visas Donkey, Visas Eagle, and Visas Condor.
Visas Mantis
A Visas Mantis is requested if the U.S. consulate suspects that the applicant is engaged in the illegal transfer of sensitive technologies or information that relates to sensitive technologies, or if the applicant is likely to have exposure to such technologies while in the U.S. A specific nationality is not required to trigger this SAO. Sensitive technologies are listed on the DOS Technology Alert List. Applicants with advanced degrees (usually Ph.D. degrees) in certain sciences tend to be targeted for these types of SAOs. The Visas Mantis typically takes two to three weeks to clear. Once issued, a Visas Mantis SAO is valid for 12 months if the applicant is returning to the same organization for which the applicant worked/studied when the SAO was initially requested.
Visas Donkey
A Visas Donkey is requested when there is a direct "hit" on the visa applicant's name in the CLASS system. This type of SAO is requested if, for example, the applicant's name is a direct match to that of a known terrorist. It is impossible to know whether or not an applicant will be subject to this particular SAO unless the person has been subjected to one previously. The Visas Donkey SAO request can take months to process, and there tends to be no predictable period within which this kind of SAO request is resolved. . Once a Visas Donkey SAO is issued, it is valid for three months.
Visas Condor
The Visas Condor is generally requested for applicants who are nationals of predominantly Muslim countries. This list has been referred to as the "list of 26" because there are 26 countries for which a Condor SAO is usually requested (see above). These SAOs are valid for three months and generally take about a week or two to clear.
Visas Eagle
The Visas Eagle is requested for applicants from countries that have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism. This SAO is in the same tier of review as the Visas Condor SAO so many Eagle SAOs taken one to two weeks to be resolved. Once issued, the Visas Eagle is valid for 12 months.