2015-12-11 ساعت 10:54
(آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2015-12-11 ساعت 11:05 توسط Ali Sepehr.)
(2015-12-10 ساعت 17:58)saeid Mercedes نوشته:(2015-12-10 ساعت 16:46)محمدرصا نوشته: اينو اقاي سپهر از پاريز تراول فرستادن
مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا طرحی را تصویب کرده است که محدودیت های تازه ای را بر شهروندان ٣٨ کشوری که تاکنون بدون ویزا به این کشور سفر می کردند، اعمال می کند. بر اساس این طرح، شهروندان این کشورها که بعد یک مارس ۲۰۱۱ به *******ه، عراق، ایران و سودان سفر کرده باشند، نمی توانند بدون ویزا به آمریکا بروند و اگر تابعیت دوگانه این چهار کشور را داشته باشند در هر صورت برای ورود به آمریکا باید درخواست ویزا کنند. این طرح با ٤٠٧ رای در مقابل ۱۹ رای تصویب شد و پیش از آنکه رسمیت یابد، باید در مجلس سنا هم تصویب شود و به امضای رئیس جمهور آمریکا برسد.
متن خبر بنظر شفاف مى رسد كه اين قانون صرفا براى كسانى است كه تابعيت دوگانه ٣٨ كشور قانون لغو ويزا و ايران را دارند محدوديت ايجاد مى كند و اسمى از ايرانيانى كه اقامت دائم آمريكا يا تابعيت دوگانه ايران و آمريكا را دارند برده نشده در نتيجه براى اين افراد محدوديتى نيست. اما بايد تاسف خورد كه برخورد دولت هاى غربى با ايرانيان كه تاكنون فعاليت مخربى نداشته اند اينگونه است؛ هر كسى كه مى تواند براى رفع اين معضل كارى كند اگر سكوت كند بمصداق جفا در حق كشور عزيزمان ايران است.
در ضمن دوستانى كه برنده گرين كارتِ آمريكا از طريق لاتارى شده اند در هر حال بايستى به سفارت آمريكا جهت اخذ ويزا و مصاحبه مراجعه كنند و اين قانون تاثيرى در روند پرونده شان ندارد و صرفا حساسيت هاى امنيت ملى آمريكا براى افراد متقاضي هر نوع ويزا بيشتر خواهد بود كه مسلماً اين حق هر كشورى است كه به امنيت ملى كشور خود اهميت دهد.
دوست عزیز سلام
در چند تاپیک پیش اعلام کردم که این موضوع سیتیزنهای ایرانی آمریکایی رو هم را شامل میشود.
دایی بند مقیم آمریکا هستند. دیروز برای کار رفته بودند کانادا و موقع برگشت ، افسره روش کلید کرد، ولی چون این مصوبه هنوز توسط ریاست جمهوری تأیید نشده ، بنابراین قانونی هم نیست ، لذا نتونستند جلوی ورودش رو بگیرن.
ایشون 40 ساله اونجا هستند و تا روز قبلش حتی یکبار هم با این مشکل مواجه نشده بودند.
بطور کلی ، باید دعا کنیم این موضوع به قانون تبدیل نشه ؛ و اگر شد دیگه لاتاری و گرین کارت و ... فایده ای نداره. فقط اگر ویزامون اومد ، باید از خانواده هامون خداحافظی کنیم و بریم اونجا.
هر موقع هوس دیدار به سرمون زد ، به محض خروج از آمریکا ، دیگه باید برای برگشت به سر خانه و زندگی که اونجا ساختی ، ویزا بگیری. حالا چون ایرانی هستیم ، اگه خواستند ویزا میدن و در غیر اینصورت رو هواییم.
درخصوص 38 کشور اشاره شده . مثلا آلمانیها ، اگر و تنها اگر ورودی به اون ۴ کشور ذکر شده داشته باشند ، دیگه نمیتوانند وارد خاک آمریکا شوند و این موضوع را باید دولت آلمان به آمریکا اطلاع بدهد وگرنه از توافقنامه روادید خارج میشه.
بنابراین بهتر فکر کنیم و خوب و منطقی تصمیم بگیریم.
دوستان اصلا این بحث ها برای برندگان لاتاری تاثیری نداره و روال طبق قبل و با دقت کامل انجام میشه پس شما نیازی نیست نگران باشید.
دوست عزیز دایی شما که می فرمایید رفته بودند کانادا و موقع برگشت گیر داده بودند بهشون اصلا شامل این قانون نمیشند. متاسفانه ما ایرانی ها عادت داریم به گفته عمه صغری که 58 سال پیش رفته آمریکا وسط وست وود لس آنجلس زندگی کرده و با یه نفر حتی Hello یا How are you نگفته میایم یه مطلبی رو بیان می کنیم و بر صحت اون گفته هم تاکید می کنیم.
اینجا سر و صدای خیلی زیادی از ایرانی آمریکایی ها بلند شد و در عرض یک روز کمپینی تا این لحظه 35000 نفری در اعتراض به این قانون برپا شد و با اینکه این قانون تاثیری در زندگیشون نداره ولی فقط بخاطر این جمله اعتراض کردند : گنه كرد در بلخ آهنگری به شوشتر زدند گردن مسگری
متن اصلی HR158 یا همین قانونی که می فرمایید از سایت کنگره :
1st Session
H. R. 158
To clarify the grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States regarding terrorism risk, to expand the criteria by which a country may be removed from the Visa Waiver Program, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States, and for other purposes.
January 6, 2015
Mrs. Miller of Michigan (for herself and Mr. McCaul) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Homeland Security, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To clarify the grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States regarding terrorism risk, to expand the criteria by which a country may be removed from the Visa Waiver Program, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act of 2015”.
SEC. 2. Grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States; Reports on law enforcement and security interests; Continuing qualification and designation terminations; Report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.
(a) Grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States; Period of validity.—Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a)(11), by inserting “, including terrorism risk,” after “security risk”; and
(2) in subsection (h)(3)—
(A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting “, including terrorism risk,” after “security risk”;
(B) in subparagraph ©, in the second sentence, by inserting before the period at the end the following: “, or, if the Secretary determines that such is appropriate, may limit such period of eligibility”; and
© by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
“(i) REPORTS ON CERTAIN LIMITATIONS ON TRAVEL.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a report on the number of individuals, identified by their countries of citizenship or nationality, who were denied eligibility to travel under the System or whose eligibility for such travel was revoked during the previous year if such individual was determined, in accordance with subsection (a)(6), to represent a threat to the security of the United States.
“(ii) REPORTS ON CERTAIN THREAT ASSESSMENTS.—Beginning with the first report under clause (i) of subsection ©(5)(A) that is submitted after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph and periodically thereafter (together with subsequent reports submitted under such clause (i)), the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a report that contains a threat assessment regarding the compliance of foreign governments with the agreements described in subparagraphs (D) and (F) of subsection ©(2).”.
(b) Reports on law enforcement and security interests; Continuing qualification and designation terminations.—Subsection © of section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (2)©(iii)—
(A) by striking “and the Committee on International Relations” and inserting “, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Committee on Homeland Security”; and
(B) by striking “and the Committee on Foreign Relations” and inserting “, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs”; and
(2) in paragraph (5)—
(A) in subparagraph (A)(i)—
(i) in subclause (III), by striking “and” at the end;
(ii) in subclause (IV), by striking the period at the end and inserting “; and”; and
(iii) by adding after subclause (IV) the following new subclause:
“(V) shall submit to Congress a report regarding the security parameters described in paragraph (9).”; and
(B) in subparagraph (B), by adding at the end the following new clause:
“(v) ADDITIONAL PROGRAM SUSPENSION AUTHORITY.—If the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that a country participating in the visa waiver program has failed to comply with an agreement under subparagraph (F) of paragraph (2), the Secretary of Homeland Security—
“(I) may suspend a country from the visa waiver program without prior notice;
“(II) shall notify any country suspended under subclause (I) and provide justification for the suspension; and
“(III) shall restore the suspended country’s participation in the visa waiver program upon a determination that the country is in compliance with the agreement at issue.”.
© Report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report on steps to strengthen the automated electronic travel authorization system (commonly referred to as the “Electronic System for Travel Authorization”) under paragraph (3) of section 217(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(h)) to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States.
(d) Time for report.—The first report required under subclause (V) of section 217©(5)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (as added by subsection (b)(2)(A)(iii) of this section) shall be submitted at the same time the next report required under subclause (IV) of such section 217©(5)(A)(i) is submitted after the date of the enactment of this Act.
1st Session
H. R. 158
To clarify the grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States regarding terrorism risk, to expand the criteria by which a country may be removed from the Visa Waiver Program, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States, and for other purposes.
January 6, 2015
Mrs. Miller of Michigan (for herself and Mr. McCaul) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Homeland Security, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To clarify the grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States regarding terrorism risk, to expand the criteria by which a country may be removed from the Visa Waiver Program, to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act of 2015”.
SEC. 2. Grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States; Reports on law enforcement and security interests; Continuing qualification and designation terminations; Report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.
(a) Grounds for ineligibility for travel to the United States; Period of validity.—Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187) is amended—
(1) in subsection (a)(11), by inserting “, including terrorism risk,” after “security risk”; and
(2) in subsection (h)(3)—
(A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting “, including terrorism risk,” after “security risk”;
(B) in subparagraph ©, in the second sentence, by inserting before the period at the end the following: “, or, if the Secretary determines that such is appropriate, may limit such period of eligibility”; and
© by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
“(i) REPORTS ON CERTAIN LIMITATIONS ON TRAVEL.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a report on the number of individuals, identified by their countries of citizenship or nationality, who were denied eligibility to travel under the System or whose eligibility for such travel was revoked during the previous year if such individual was determined, in accordance with subsection (a)(6), to represent a threat to the security of the United States.
“(ii) REPORTS ON CERTAIN THREAT ASSESSMENTS.—Beginning with the first report under clause (i) of subsection ©(5)(A) that is submitted after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph and periodically thereafter (together with subsequent reports submitted under such clause (i)), the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a report that contains a threat assessment regarding the compliance of foreign governments with the agreements described in subparagraphs (D) and (F) of subsection ©(2).”.
(b) Reports on law enforcement and security interests; Continuing qualification and designation terminations.—Subsection © of section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (2)©(iii)—
(A) by striking “and the Committee on International Relations” and inserting “, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Committee on Homeland Security”; and
(B) by striking “and the Committee on Foreign Relations” and inserting “, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs”; and
(2) in paragraph (5)—
(A) in subparagraph (A)(i)—
(i) in subclause (III), by striking “and” at the end;
(ii) in subclause (IV), by striking the period at the end and inserting “; and”; and
(iii) by adding after subclause (IV) the following new subclause:
“(V) shall submit to Congress a report regarding the security parameters described in paragraph (9).”; and
(B) in subparagraph (B), by adding at the end the following new clause:
“(v) ADDITIONAL PROGRAM SUSPENSION AUTHORITY.—If the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that a country participating in the visa waiver program has failed to comply with an agreement under subparagraph (F) of paragraph (2), the Secretary of Homeland Security—
“(I) may suspend a country from the visa waiver program without prior notice;
“(II) shall notify any country suspended under subclause (I) and provide justification for the suspension; and
“(III) shall restore the suspended country’s participation in the visa waiver program upon a determination that the country is in compliance with the agreement at issue.”.
© Report on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report on steps to strengthen the automated electronic travel authorization system (commonly referred to as the “Electronic System for Travel Authorization”) under paragraph (3) of section 217(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(h)) to better secure the international borders of the United States and prevent terrorists and instruments of terrorism from entering the United States.
(d) Time for report.—The first report required under subclause (V) of section 217©(5)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (as added by subsection (b)(2)(A)(iii) of this section) shall be submitted at the same time the next report required under subclause (IV) of such section 217©(5)(A)(i) is submitted after the date of the enactment of this Act.
سیدعلی سپهر
مدیر ارشد مهاجرسرا و مدیرعامل شرکت پاریز تراول
هر آنچه در مورد لاتاری بايد بدانيد.
مدیر ارشد مهاجرسرا و مدیرعامل شرکت پاریز تراول
هر آنچه در مورد لاتاری بايد بدانيد.