ارسالها: 74
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 17:02)pefa نوشته: شانس شما اپراتور جوابتونو داده
باز خوبه و خبر خوبی بودی ممنون
تو جمع خوش شانس ترین ها هستیم . شکی در خوش شانسیمون نیست . هممون .
شماره کیس:26XXX
تاریخ دریافت نامه قبولی:نگرفتم
ارسال فرمهای سری اول:9/AUG/2010
آپدیت کردن فرم های سری اول بدلیل ازدواج:31/JAN/2011
تاریخ کارنت شدن:May 2011
تاریخ دریافت نامه دوم: از طریق ایمیلMay 19, 2011
تاریخ مصاحبه: 14 jun
جمع تقریبی هزینه ها:نفری 1900$
دریافت ویزا:یه ضرب
ارسالها: 2,442
موضوعها: 26
تاریخ عضویت: May 2010
تشکر: 0
3 تشکر در 0 ارسال
بچه ها این خبر خوبی بود که دادین! خبر های بیشتر و البته بهتر در راهند!
در ضمن امروز اولین نفر 2011 ویزا گرفت! خبرهای خوب باز هم می رسند! فقط صبور باشید!
ارسالها: 396
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
سلام دوستان گلم
من چند روز پیش که واسه آنکارا میل زدم الان این پاسخ رو گرفتم:
Dear Mr. *************o;
After a thorough search of our files, we are unable to locate a record/file under your. You may contact the Kentucky Consular Center to inquire about the status and interview date of this file.
Immigrant Visa Unit
This email is UNCLASSIFIED
-----Original Message-----
From: do-not-reply@america.gov [mailto:do-not-reply@america.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 11:16 PM
To: Ankara-Consular-Public-MB
Subject: ivstatus
من که واسه این ماه نبودم، ایشالا واسه ماهه بعد. به همه دوستان توصیه می کنم همین الان ایمیل بفرستند و ببینند اسمشون توی لیست اعلام شده هست یا نه.
نکته مهم اینه که اصلا پاسخ من رو به نداشتن کیس نامبر ارتباط ندادند و این طور که به نظر می رسه به کمک بقیه مشخصاتی که من فرستادم چک کردند.
ارسالها: 32
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
ارسالها: 396
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
2010-10-04 ساعت 22:33
(آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2010-10-04 ساعت 22:34 توسط alirezagh.)
(2010-10-04 ساعت 21:18)star نوشته: لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
"Confirmation Number: ********
Date of birth: **/**/****
Country Chargeability: IRAN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
به این لینک برید و اونجا درخواست بدید
چون من اول واسه وبمستر فرستادم که یه روز بعد پاسخ اومد که به لینک زیر برید و اونجا سوالتون رو مطرح کنید.
منتظر خبرای خوب خوب از دوستان هستم.
ارسالها: 225
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 22:33)alirezagh نوشته: (2010-10-04 ساعت 21:18)star نوشته: لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
"Confirmation Number: ********
Date of birth: **/**/****
Country Chargeability: IRAN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
به این لینک برید و اونجا درخواست بدید
چون من اول واسه وبمستر فرستادم که یه روز بعد پاسخ اومد که به لینک زیر برید و اونجا سوالتون رو مطرح کنید.
منتظر خبرای خوب خوب از دوستان هستم.
دوست عزیز علیرضا جان ازت ممنونم به خاطر اینکه خبر رو به ما دادی.
موفق باشی![Rolleyes Rolleyes](https://www.mohajersara.org/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.png)
شماره کیس: ***2011AS00042
تاریخ دریافت کیس نامبر از طریق ایمیل: 1389/12/10
کنسولگری: آنکارا
تاریخ مصاحبه: 12 sep
تاریخ دریافت ویزا:Sep 13
جمع تقریبی هزینه ها: 14عکس.60 پست اول،57 ترجمه،68 ارسال مدارک مصاحبه،428بلیط،55عوارض خروج،819سفارت،252هتل اوزیلهان،1700 هواپیما امریکا
ارسالها: 84
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 22:33)alirezagh نوشته: (2010-10-04 ساعت 21:18)star نوشته: لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
"Confirmation Number: ********
Date of birth: **/**/****
Country Chargeability: IRAN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
به این لینک برید و اونجا درخواست بدید
چون من اول واسه وبمستر فرستادم که یه روز بعد پاسخ اومد که به لینک زیر برید و اونجا سوالتون رو مطرح کنید.
منتظر خبرای خوب خوب از دوستان هستم.
سلام عزیز من این روشی که گفتید رو ایمیل به آنکارا فرستادم . ولی چون در فرمی که برای کی سی سی فرستادم و ابوظبی رو انتخاب کردم ایمیل از اون سفارت ندارم اگر لطف کنید ایمیل اونجارو هم بگذارید من به ابوظبی هم این نامه رو بفرستم تیریست در تاریکی شاید جواب دادن . لطف بفرمائید شما برای سابجکت ایمیل چی انتخاب کردید. مرسی
تاریخ دریافت نامه قبولی اول : هیچوقت
تاریخ دریافت نامه دوم : 2 AUG
تاریخ مصاحبه : 8 AUG
تاریخ دریافت ویزا : 11 AUG
کیس : 2011AS00035XXX
کنسولگری: ابوظبی
جمع هزینه ها 4 نفر : تومان 7,570,000
ارسالها: 275
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 22:33)alirezagh نوشته: (2010-10-04 ساعت 21:18)star نوشته: لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
"Confirmation Number: ********
Date of birth: **/**/****
Country Chargeability: IRAN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
به این لینک برید و اونجا درخواست بدید
چون من اول واسه وبمستر فرستادم که یه روز بعد پاسخ اومد که به لینک زیر برید و اونجا سوالتون رو مطرح کنید.
منتظر خبرای خوب خوب از دوستان هستم.
عليرضاي عزيز ، ممنونم ، من هم امروز صبح مجدداً براشون ارسال كردم ، شايد دفعه قبل كه فرستادم بخاطر بچه هاي 2010 سرشون خيلي شلوغ بوده و جواب ندادن ![Cool Cool](https://www.mohajersara.org/forum/images/smilies/cool.png)
ارسالها: 558
موضوعها: 3
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2009
تشکر: 2
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
دوستان منم که به سفارت ابوظبی ایمیل زدم مبنی بر اینکه کیس ندارم و ... این جواب رو دادند:
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is an automatic reply to your email. We are providing this automatic
response to answer the most frequently asked questions. If this response does
not answer your question we will work to respond to your email within three
business days. Please provide the case number and full name of the visa
applicant in all correspondence with our office.
Frequently Asked Questions: Table of Contents
1. I have sent multiple inquiries, but have not received a response. Why?
2. Where can I get more information about visas and the National Visa Center?
3. When will I get an appointment for my immigrant visa interview?
4. If I cancel my appointment, when will I be rescheduled?
5. What documents do I need to bring?
6. Does the petitioner need to come to the interview?
7. Can I pick up the visa the same day?
8. What fees will I be required to pay?
9. I had an interview and a visa was not issued, why?
10. My case is in administrative processing, when will it be posted on your
11. What are the procedures for a K visa?
12. Can I submit an I-130 petition at the Embassy?
Q1: I have sent multiple inquiries, but have not gotten a response. Why?
A: We receive hundreds of inquiries every month. In order to provide prompt
information, we have developed this list of frequently asked questions to
address the most common queries. If your query is addressed by this message, you
will not receive a subsequent message. We will answer every legitimate question
not covered by these FAQs as quickly as possible, generally within three
business days.
Q2: Where can I get more information about immigrant visas and the National
Visa Center?
A: You can learn more about immigrant visas and the National Visa Center, at:
For information about the interview process, please visit our website at:
A glossary of technical definitions of terms for visas can be found at:
U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS), responsible for adjudicating
waivers, processing green cards and granting U.S. citizenship maintains a useful
website: www.uscis.gov.
Q3: When will I get an appointment for my immigrant visa interview?
A: If your inquiry concerns an immigrant visa case where the I-130 petition
will be filed at U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi, then the we will contact you by email
with the earliest available appointment date. Please be aware that there is a
high volume of cases waiting to be scheduled for appointments and the next
available appointment may be three to four months after your request is made.
Please remember to bring ORIGINAL documents of birth, marriage, divorce
certificates, etc. Thank you for your patience.
If National Visa Center sent you a letter stating that your file is complete and
it has been sent to Abu Dhabi for scheduling, the physical file has likely not
yet arrived. Your physical case file remains at the National Visa Center (NVC)
until an appointment can be scheduled. Due to the high volume of immigrant
visas we process, there is currently a 2 to 3 month wait for scheduling
appointments after NVC receives the OF-230 (parts 1 and 2) and all the forms
listed on the OF-169 checklist. You will receive an appointment letter in the
mail when your appointment has been scheduled by NVC. You can expect to receive
this appointment letter several weeks before your appointment. Please remember
to bring ORIGINAL documents of birth, marriage, divorce certificates, etc.
If your inquiry concerns an immigrant visa case in which the I-130 petition was
filed in the U.S. and it has not been scheduled for an appointment, or if the
USCIS has said that your petition has been approved and forwarded to the
Department of State, please send your inquiry directly to the National Visa
Center NVCInquiry@state.gov.
Q4: If I cancel my appointment when will I be rescheduled?
A: Rescheduled appointments generally occur 2 to 3 months from when we were
notified of the appointment cancellation. This may vary from case to case, due
to visa number availability and the visa class being requested.
Q5: What documents do I need to bring?
A: The required documents are listed on the checklist provided by NVC or on our
prior communications with you. Remember, however, that each case is different.
Please remember to bring ORIGINAL records of birth, marriage, divorce, police
certificates, etc., including birth certificates of the petitioner if the
petitioner is a son, daughter or sibling of the applicant. If the documents are
not in the English language, certified English translations of the documents are
required. U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi cannot provide you with a list of translators.
Please bring photocopies of the civil documents. Passports and medical exams
for each applicant are always required. For more details about original
documents, please visit:
Q6: Does the petitioner need to come to the interview?
A: Petitioners do not need to accompany the visa applicant on interview day,
but they are welcome to attend. Please note that it is common for the
interviewing consular officer to speak with the applicant individually.
Q7: Can I pick up the visa the same day?
A: No. Visas are not issued on the same day. In some cases, it may take more
than one week to issue an approved visa. If a case requires administrative
processing, visa issuance may be delayed a few months. The consular staff will
inform you about the specific timing of your case following the visa interview
or once your passport has been dropped off for visa issuance.
Q8: What fees will I be required to pay?
A: K-1 and K-3 applicants must pay a US $350.00 non-immigrant (visitor) K visa
application fee. Please pay the $140.00 base non-immigrant visa fee at the
National Bank of Abu Dhabi prior to the interview, the remaining $210.00 fee is
to be paid at the Embassy on the date of interview.
For all other immigrant visa classes: If you have received notice from the
National Visa Center that immigrant visa fees have not been paid, the fee must
be paid at the Embassy prior to interview. IV fees vary.
Q9: I had an interview and a visa was not issued, why?
If you have appeared at the Embassy for interview and your received a "Blue
Sheet" Form OF-194, then please follow the instructions on the blue sheet for
missing documents and/or other reasons the visa was not issued. Please mail
requested information to:
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi
PO Box 4009
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Q. 10 My case is in administrative processing, when will it be posted on your
If your case is pending administrative processing, please be assured that we are
working on each visa case. Please check the Embassy web site for your case
number at http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/immigrant_visas.html and click the Check
Visa Status link. The site will provide updates on the status of your case and
instruct you on any next actions. Please be advised that in less than 1% of
cases administrative processing may take more than six months.
Q. 11 What are the procedures for a K visa?
A U.S. Citizen may file a K-1 visa petition for a fiancé or K-3 petition for a
spouse with a USCIS office in the United States. Once the USCIS approves the
petition, it is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC), and then forwarded
to U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi. It may take more than eight weeks from the date the
USCIS approved the petition for U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi to receive the K file.
Once we receive the K file from the NVC, we send an appointment letter to the
petitioner/beneficiary. If you have a K visa case, please wait a minimum of
eight weeks before you contact us. DO NOT make an appointment with the
non-immigrant unit for your K visa. All K visas must be processed through the
immigrant visa unit at our we will set your appointment date.
Q. 12 Can I submit an I-130 petition at the Embassy?
If you are a U.S. citizen with a valid UAE residency visa and have been residing
in the UAE for more than six months, you may file an I-130 visa petition at the
Embassy. Please see all the details on our website http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/filing_a_petition.html
. If you are a U.S. citizen residing in the U.S. or Iran, you must file the
petition through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United
More details on filing an immigrant visa petition with USCIS can be found on
their website at http://www.uscis.gov.
We look forward to assisting you with the process of immigration to the United
States of America.
Thank you,
Immigrant Visa Unit
U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi
Note: All immigrant visa applications are handled by appointment only. The
Embassy is closed on Friday and Saturday and on UAE and U.S. holidays
<http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/embassy-holidays.html> .
ارسالها: 68
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 17:29)User نوشته: بچه ها این خبر خوبی بود که دادین! خبر های بیشتر و البته بهتر در راهند!
در ضمن امروز اولین نفر 2011 ویزا گرفت! خبرهای خوب باز هم می رسند! فقط صبور باشید! ممنون user جون ....
منتظر خبرهای بهتر و بهتریم
ارسالها: 328
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
1 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-04 ساعت 22:33)alirezagh نوشته: (2010-10-04 ساعت 21:18)star نوشته: لطفاً متن ایمیلی که فرستادید رو بگذارید مرسی
"Confirmation Number: ********
Date of birth: **/**/****
Country Chargeability: IRAN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
به این لینک برید و اونجا درخواست بدید
چون من اول واسه وبمستر فرستادم که یه روز بعد پاسخ اومد که به لینک زیر برید و اونجا سوالتون رو مطرح کنید.
منتظر خبرای خوب خوب از دوستان هستم.
من یک هفته صبر می کنم بعد می فرستم. چون دیر نامه ارسال کردم.
ولی یه نکته
این فرم که شما آدرس دادید، فرم Non-Immigrant Visa است.
فکر کنم بهتره با این یکی ارتباط برقرار کنید:
The Immigrant Visa: Contact Immigrant Visa Section by e-mail
این رو در صفحه contact us سایت سفارت می تونید ببینید(http://turkey.usembassy.gov/contactus.html)
یه چیزی
یکی از 2010هی ها یه شماره بهم داده که ظاهرا مال یه ایرانیه روبروی سفارت دفتر کار داره
می تونه بره داخل و از ارتباطش با اونا استفاده کرده، کمکمون کنه
نظرتون چیه؟
ارسالها: 2,442
موضوعها: 26
تاریخ عضویت: May 2010
تشکر: 0
3 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-05 ساعت 18:36)pefa نوشته: یکی از 2010هی ها یه شماره بهم داده که ظاهرا مال یه ایرانیه روبروی سفارت دفتر کار داره
می تونه بره داخل و از ارتباطش با اونا استفاده کرده، کمکمون کنه
نظرتون چیه؟
نظر شخصي بنده اين است كه با وجود اطلاعات كامل و دقيق در انجمن، شما ديگر نياز به هيچ كمكي نداريد. حتا به وكيل.
در ضمن بسياري از كساني كه رفته اند آنكارا، بارها هشدار/توصيه/پيشنهاد/نصيحت كرده اند كه با هيچ كدام از هموطناني كه ادعا مي كنند با سفارت رابطه دارند، تماس نگيريد! متاسفانه تجربيات بدي در اين زمينه وجود داشته كه به كررات دوستان قدذيمي خواسته اند كه اين مورد رو جدي بگيريم. كاري كه خود شما بدون هيچ زحمتي مي توانيد انجان دهيد،انها با گرفتن 50-100 دلار انجام مي دهند.
تصميم با شماست.
ارسالها: 514
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
تشکر: 0
1 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2010-10-05 ساعت 10:20)hassan1358arab نوشته: دوستان منم که به سفارت ابوظبی ایمیل زدم مبنی بر اینکه کیس ندارم و ... این جواب رو دادند:
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is an automatic reply to your email. We are providing this automatic
response to answer the most frequently asked questions. If this response does
not answer your question we will work to respond to your email within three
business days. Please provide the case number and full name of the visa
applicant in all correspondence with our office.
Frequently Asked Questions: Table of Contents
1. I have sent multiple inquiries, but have not received a response. Why?
2. Where can I get more information about visas and the National Visa Center?
3. When will I get an appointment for my immigrant visa interview?
4. If I cancel my appointment, when will I be rescheduled?
5. What documents do I need to bring?
6. Does the petitioner need to come to the interview?
7. Can I pick up the visa the same day?
8. What fees will I be required to pay?
9. I had an interview and a visa was not issued, why?
10. My case is in administrative processing, when will it be posted on your
11. What are the procedures for a K visa?
12. Can I submit an I-130 petition at the Embassy?
Q1: I have sent multiple inquiries, but have not gotten a response. Why?
A: We receive hundreds of inquiries every month. In order to provide prompt
information, we have developed this list of frequently asked questions to
address the most common queries. If your query is addressed by this message, you
will not receive a subsequent message. We will answer every legitimate question
not covered by these FAQs as quickly as possible, generally within three
business days.
Q2: Where can I get more information about immigrant visas and the National
Visa Center?
A: You can learn more about immigrant visas and the National Visa Center, at:
For information about the interview process, please visit our website at:
A glossary of technical definitions of terms for visas can be found at:
U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS), responsible for adjudicating
waivers, processing green cards and granting U.S. citizenship maintains a useful
website: www.uscis.gov.
Q3: When will I get an appointment for my immigrant visa interview?
A: If your inquiry concerns an immigrant visa case where the I-130 petition
will be filed at U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi, then the we will contact you by email
with the earliest available appointment date. Please be aware that there is a
high volume of cases waiting to be scheduled for appointments and the next
available appointment may be three to four months after your request is made.
Please remember to bring ORIGINAL documents of birth, marriage, divorce
certificates, etc. Thank you for your patience.
If National Visa Center sent you a letter stating that your file is complete and
it has been sent to Abu Dhabi for scheduling, the physical file has likely not
yet arrived. Your physical case file remains at the National Visa Center (NVC)
until an appointment can be scheduled. Due to the high volume of immigrant
visas we process, there is currently a 2 to 3 month wait for scheduling
appointments after NVC receives the OF-230 (parts 1 and 2) and all the forms
listed on the OF-169 checklist. You will receive an appointment letter in the
mail when your appointment has been scheduled by NVC. You can expect to receive
this appointment letter several weeks before your appointment. Please remember
to bring ORIGINAL documents of birth, marriage, divorce certificates, etc.
If your inquiry concerns an immigrant visa case in which the I-130 petition was
filed in the U.S. and it has not been scheduled for an appointment, or if the
USCIS has said that your petition has been approved and forwarded to the
Department of State, please send your inquiry directly to the National Visa
Center NVCInquiry@state.gov.
Q4: If I cancel my appointment when will I be rescheduled?
A: Rescheduled appointments generally occur 2 to 3 months from when we were
notified of the appointment cancellation. This may vary from case to case, due
to visa number availability and the visa class being requested.
Q5: What documents do I need to bring?
A: The required documents are listed on the checklist provided by NVC or on our
prior communications with you. Remember, however, that each case is different.
Please remember to bring ORIGINAL records of birth, marriage, divorce, police
certificates, etc., including birth certificates of the petitioner if the
petitioner is a son, daughter or sibling of the applicant. If the documents are
not in the English language, certified English translations of the documents are
required. U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi cannot provide you with a list of translators.
Please bring photocopies of the civil documents. Passports and medical exams
for each applicant are always required. For more details about original
documents, please visit:
Q6: Does the petitioner need to come to the interview?
A: Petitioners do not need to accompany the visa applicant on interview day,
but they are welcome to attend. Please note that it is common for the
interviewing consular officer to speak with the applicant individually.
Q7: Can I pick up the visa the same day?
A: No. Visas are not issued on the same day. In some cases, it may take more
than one week to issue an approved visa. If a case requires administrative
processing, visa issuance may be delayed a few months. The consular staff will
inform you about the specific timing of your case following the visa interview
or once your passport has been dropped off for visa issuance.
Q8: What fees will I be required to pay?
A: K-1 and K-3 applicants must pay a US $350.00 non-immigrant (visitor) K visa
application fee. Please pay the $140.00 base non-immigrant visa fee at the
National Bank of Abu Dhabi prior to the interview, the remaining $210.00 fee is
to be paid at the Embassy on the date of interview.
For all other immigrant visa classes: If you have received notice from the
National Visa Center that immigrant visa fees have not been paid, the fee must
be paid at the Embassy prior to interview. IV fees vary.
Q9: I had an interview and a visa was not issued, why?
If you have appeared at the Embassy for interview and your received a "Blue
Sheet" Form OF-194, then please follow the instructions on the blue sheet for
missing documents and/or other reasons the visa was not issued. Please mail
requested information to:
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi
PO Box 4009
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Q. 10 My case is in administrative processing, when will it be posted on your
If your case is pending administrative processing, please be assured that we are
working on each visa case. Please check the Embassy web site for your case
number at http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/immigrant_visas.html and click the Check
Visa Status link. The site will provide updates on the status of your case and
instruct you on any next actions. Please be advised that in less than 1% of
cases administrative processing may take more than six months.
Q. 11 What are the procedures for a K visa?
A U.S. Citizen may file a K-1 visa petition for a fiancé or K-3 petition for a
spouse with a USCIS office in the United States. Once the USCIS approves the
petition, it is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC), and then forwarded
to U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi. It may take more than eight weeks from the date the
USCIS approved the petition for U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi to receive the K file.
Once we receive the K file from the NVC, we send an appointment letter to the
petitioner/beneficiary. If you have a K visa case, please wait a minimum of
eight weeks before you contact us. DO NOT make an appointment with the
non-immigrant unit for your K visa. All K visas must be processed through the
immigrant visa unit at our we will set your appointment date.
Q. 12 Can I submit an I-130 petition at the Embassy?
If you are a U.S. citizen with a valid UAE residency visa and have been residing
in the UAE for more than six months, you may file an I-130 visa petition at the
Embassy. Please see all the details on our website http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/filing_a_petition.html
. If you are a U.S. citizen residing in the U.S. or Iran, you must file the
petition through U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the United
More details on filing an immigrant visa petition with USCIS can be found on
their website at http://www.uscis.gov.
We look forward to assisting you with the process of immigration to the United
States of America.
Thank you,
Immigrant Visa Unit
U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi
Note: All immigrant visa applications are handled by appointment only. The
Embassy is closed on Friday and Saturday and on UAE and U.S. holidays
<http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/embassy-holidays.html> .
ممكنه براي استفاده از اين متن بيشتر راهنمايي كنيد . ممنون
كجا بايد ميل بزنم و چي بزنم( براي ابوظبي)
[font=Times New Roman]باور روز برای گذر از شب کافیســـــــــت.....[/font]
به امید فردا
ارسالها: 396
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2010
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0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
2010-10-05 ساعت 20:25
(آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2010-10-05 ساعت 20:28 توسط alirezagh.)
(2010-10-05 ساعت 18:56)User نوشته: (2010-10-05 ساعت 18:36)pefa نوشته: یکی از 2010هی ها یه شماره بهم داده که ظاهرا مال یه ایرانیه روبروی سفارت دفتر کار داره
می تونه بره داخل و از ارتباطش با اونا استفاده کرده، کمکمون کنه
نظرتون چیه؟
نظر شخصي بنده اين است كه با وجود اطلاعات كامل و دقيق در انجمن، شما ديگر نياز به هيچ كمكي نداريد. حتا به وكيل.
در ضمن بسياري از كساني كه رفته اند آنكارا، بارها هشدار/توصيه/پيشنهاد/نصيحت كرده اند كه با هيچ كدام از هموطناني كه ادعا مي كنند با سفارت رابطه دارند، تماس نگيريد! متاسفانه تجربيات بدي در اين زمينه وجود داشته كه به كررات دوستان قدذيمي خواسته اند كه اين مورد رو جدي بگيريم. كاري كه خود شما بدون هيچ زحمتي مي توانيد انجان دهيد،انها با گرفتن 50-100 دلار انجام مي دهند.
تصميم با شماست.
منم با user موافقم. ما از نظر راهنمایی بالاترین تجربیات و بهترین دوستان رو داریم که خالصانه هر چی که دارند رو به اشتراک می گذارند، و مطمئن باشید هیچ وکیلی به دلسوزی خودتون برای شما کار نمی کنه.
اما یه بحثی هم وجود داره که فارغ از راهنماییه: فرض کنیم یه وکیل قابل اطمینان در خود کنتاکی بتونیم پیدا کنیم به طوری که از نظر حقوقی وکالت ما رو بر عهده بگیره و حضورا به KCC مراجعه کنه و خودش رو به همراه مدارک نماینده ما معرفی کنه آیا نامه های ما رو از نظر قانونی تحویلش میدند؟
به نظر من اینجا گزینه وکیل قابل درنگه.
ارسالها: 558
موضوعها: 3
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2009
تشکر: 2
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
دوست عزیزم alisarshar
این ادرس ایمیل سفارت در ابوظبیه:abudhabiIV@state.gov
و متنی که فرستادم اینه:
I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't have my Case Number.
I checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that I have been selected for further processing. Since I have not received the Notification Letter and I don't know my Case Number yet, I would appreciate if you would tell me is my case is current or is my case number in Diversity Visa Interview ScheduleLottery?
I send for KCC all of the form that need.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
در مورد جوابی هم که دادند باید بگم که چیز جدیدی بهمون نگفتند