(2010-09-29 ساعت 09:52)sare نوشته: خوب مثل اينكه دسته خنگها و خنك هاي كي سي سي سرشون خلوت شده و زودتر به نامه ها جواب ميدن ، اما بازم همون جوابهاي تكراري ، تنها نكته اي كه وجود داره اينه كه وقتي من نوشتم اگر كيس ما باطل شده بگين ، گفتن كه نه پرونده تون جريان داره و نيازي به ارسال نامه جديدي نيست
تا خدا چي بخواد ، من كه شوكه بچه هاي 2010 هستم
نامه بنده :
To whom it may concern,
The month September is almost finished and unfortunately KCC didn't sent my Case Number via E-mail nor by my new mailing address (Amendment of DSP 122 Question 3.) :
----------------------------------------- - USA
As I wrote to you several times before, I have checked my status at DV-Lottery Status check, and I noticed that my Diversity Visa entry was selected in the DV-2011 lottery. According to the Mail Tracking Service I have used (DHL), my application forms (((totally two letters))) have been delivered to the KCC on Thursday, August 05, 2010, 11:36 (Signed for by: J SUTTON) and also on Friday, August 20, 2010 09:57 (Signed for by: C CAMPBELL).
I would appreciate if you would send me information about my Case Number, appointment date and time and every thing I need for further processing.
If it's not possible for you to send my Case Number and my Case is cancelled, please tell me straightly and frankly.
date Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 9:05 AM
جواب كي سي سي :
Thank you for your inquiry,
You must visit the Department of State website at dvselectee.state.gov where you will find instructions and forms for completing the required processing steps. Once your forms have been received, and your selection has been confirmed, your case will continue processing.
The omission of your case number on the forms will not affect the processing of your case. It is not necessary to submit additional forms to amend this mistake.
The failure to include the bar code sheet with your forms will not affect the processing of your case.
date Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:39 PM
من همین ایمیل رو فرستادم باز همین جواب رو دادن
The omission of your case number on the forms will not affect the processing of your case. .....
ای بابا آخه چرا جواب نمی دن .............................