2010-10-06 ساعت 22:42
(آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2010-10-07 ساعت 19:55 توسط hasti_banoo.)
(2010-10-06 ساعت 20:16)User نوشته: آقا من کلی جستجو کردم. بیش از یک ساعت. اما نتونستم 9 سوال رو پیدا کنم. لطفا دوستان اگر این 9 سوال رو متنش رو دارند همینجا قرار بدهند تا یک فکریش بکنیم.
اینم فرم 9 سوالی تقدیم به شما

As a part of your administrative processing, you are requested to provide our
office the following information:
1. Your name, case number and other family members who will be traveling with you.
2. State whether you plan to permanently live in the United States or travel back and
forth between your country of origin and the U.S. Please provide the name of the port of
entry at which you plan to enter the U.S. with your immigrant visa.
3. List your research and/or business interests and whether you intend to continue this
line of research or business in the U.S. If you do plan to continue, state how and
where.(The street address(es), Web site address(es), phone numbers of, and points of
contact at, the organizations, institutes, and/or companies the applicant intends to visit in
the United States (applicants going to academic institutions or conferences should give
the name of an academic contact, not the name of the foreign student advisor);
4. Please list detailed descriptions of your proposed research or work plans in the U.S.,
if any and also please include a statement of purpose of your travel to the U.S
5. List your entire employment background. (List the most recent employment first and
include specific duties and responsibilities.)
6. Please list your entire educational background, including dates attended, degrees
received, projects worked on, names of professors you worked with, and any
publications you wrote. Please provide
-Complete list of publications of the applicant (and, if accompanying please provide
your spouse’s publications too)
- List of references in your country of birth or residence
7. List all overseas travel you have made, most recent trip first.
8. Name who or which organization will be funding your travel to the United States.
Please provide
-Letters of invitation from the United States sponsor;
-Letters of recommendation from a United States source or from abroad;
-Letters of support from the financial sponsor;
9. Export license number (or, if pending, an export license application number) covering
the activity in the United States (if relevant and available)
Please refer to our web-site: http://turkey.usembassy.gov/contact_with_e-mail3.html
to provide our office this information as soon as possible. If you will have difficulty to
send an attachment through the above link you may send your message to the e-mail
address ca-ankara@state.gov . Your subject line must read “IV Admin Processing” (no
space between letters).
Please also attach an electronic copy of your CV (and if your spouse is accompanying
you, please provide your spouse’s résumé too) to your e-mail
office the following information:
1. Your name, case number and other family members who will be traveling with you.
2. State whether you plan to permanently live in the United States or travel back and
forth between your country of origin and the U.S. Please provide the name of the port of
entry at which you plan to enter the U.S. with your immigrant visa.
3. List your research and/or business interests and whether you intend to continue this
line of research or business in the U.S. If you do plan to continue, state how and
where.(The street address(es), Web site address(es), phone numbers of, and points of
contact at, the organizations, institutes, and/or companies the applicant intends to visit in
the United States (applicants going to academic institutions or conferences should give
the name of an academic contact, not the name of the foreign student advisor);
4. Please list detailed descriptions of your proposed research or work plans in the U.S.,
if any and also please include a statement of purpose of your travel to the U.S
5. List your entire employment background. (List the most recent employment first and
include specific duties and responsibilities.)
6. Please list your entire educational background, including dates attended, degrees
received, projects worked on, names of professors you worked with, and any
publications you wrote. Please provide
-Complete list of publications of the applicant (and, if accompanying please provide
your spouse’s publications too)
- List of references in your country of birth or residence
7. List all overseas travel you have made, most recent trip first.
8. Name who or which organization will be funding your travel to the United States.
Please provide
-Letters of invitation from the United States sponsor;
-Letters of recommendation from a United States source or from abroad;
-Letters of support from the financial sponsor;
9. Export license number (or, if pending, an export license application number) covering
the activity in the United States (if relevant and available)
Please refer to our web-site: http://turkey.usembassy.gov/contact_with_e-mail3.html
to provide our office this information as soon as possible. If you will have difficulty to
send an attachment through the above link you may send your message to the e-mail
address ca-ankara@state.gov . Your subject line must read “IV Admin Processing” (no
space between letters).
Please also attach an electronic copy of your CV (and if your spouse is accompanying
you, please provide your spouse’s résumé too) to your e-mail
شماره کیس:2010AS296XX
تاریخ دریافت نامه قبولی:Aug 22
تاریخ کارنت شدن: Aug 2010
تاریخ مصاحبه: 2 Sep
تاریخ دریافت ویزا: Sep 4
جمع هزینه ها: 3.5 میلیون برای دو نفر
ورود به آمریکا
ec 10
ایالت:ویرجینیا-حومه واشینگتون دی سی
تاریخ دریافت نامه قبولی:Aug 22
تاریخ کارنت شدن: Aug 2010
تاریخ مصاحبه: 2 Sep
تاریخ دریافت ویزا: Sep 4
جمع هزینه ها: 3.5 میلیون برای دو نفر
ورود به آمریکا

ایالت:ویرجینیا-حومه واشینگتون دی سی