ارسالها: 20
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2011
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769
May 05, 2015
Dear EL
You have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2016 (October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please print out this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.
Approximately 84,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are located on the Department of State website athttp://www.dvselectee.state.gov. All DV-2016 applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification message at the e-mail address you provided when you submitted your initial application.
If you need to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about your case, you may write to KCCDV@state.gov. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name and case number as they appear below. You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry. You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+1) 606-526-7500 between 7:30am and 4:00pm EST.
Case Number: 2016AS00004
Principal Applicant Name: EL
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: IRAN
You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+1) 606-526-7500 between 7:30am and 4:00pm EST. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to KCCDV@state.gov.
شماره کیس : 2012AS00036000
ارسالها: 42
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2015
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
دوستان مامان من برنده شده
ارسالها: 74
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
2015-05-08 ساعت 04:45
(آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2015-05-08 ساعت 04:45 توسط cpd.)
(2015-05-08 ساعت 04:43)adel1348 نوشته: United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769
May 05, ۲۰۱۵
Dear EL
You have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year ۲۰۱۶ (October ۱, ۲۰۱۵ to September 30, ۲۰۱۶). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please print out this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.
Approximately 84,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are located on the Department of State website athttp://www.dvselectee.state.gov. All DV-۲۰۱۶ applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification message at the e-mail address you provided when you submitted your initial application.
If you need to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about your case, you may write to KCCDV@state.gov. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name and case number as they appear below. You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry. You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST.
Case Number: 2016AS00004
Principal Applicant Name: EL
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: IRAN
You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to KCCDV@state.gov.
با تبریک فراوان .... دوست عزیز اطلاعاتتون رو کپی نکنید تو جایعمومی ... مخصوصا کیس نامبر ... ادیت کیند لطفا ... خیلی تبریک میگم
(2015-05-08 ساعت 04:43)adel1348 نوشته: United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769
May 05, ۲۰۱۵
Dear EL
You have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year ۲۰۱۶ (October ۱, ۲۰۱۵ to September 30, ۲۰۱۶). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please print out this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.
Approximately 84,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are located on the Department of State website athttp://www.dvselectee.state.gov. All DV-۲۰۱۶ applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification message at the e-mail address you provided when you submitted your initial application.
If you need to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about your case, you may write to KCCDV@state.gov. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name and case number as they appear below. You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry. You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST.
Case Number: 2016AS00004
Principal Applicant Name: EL
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: IRAN
You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to KCCDV@state.gov.
با تبریک فراوان .... دوست عزیز اطلاعاتتون رو کپی نکنید تو جایعمومی ... مخصوصا کیس نامبر ... ادیت کیند لطفا ... خیلی تبریک میگم
كتگوري: F2A
تاريخ ارسال مدارك:1 اکتبر 2014
سرویس سنترکالیفرنیا
پ.د :8 اکتبر 2014
تاريخ اپروو: 24 فوریه 2015
دريافت كيس نامبر: 19 می 2015 -ابوظبی
ارسالها: 98
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Oct 2012
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
تبریک میگم به همه برنده های امسال انشالا که تمام مراحل را طی میکنید و به سرزمین رویاها قدم میگذارید برای ما هم دعا بفرمایید. سپاس
Sent from mobile using Tapatalk
کیس نامبر: *** | تاریخ رویت قبولی: ... | تعداد افراد کیس: ۲نفر | ارسال فرمهای اولیه: ... | سفارت: ... | کارنت: ... | نامه دوم: ... | مصاحبه: ...
ارسالها: 43
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: May 2015
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
سلام به همه.احساس میکنم خوشبخت ترین فرد روی کرهء زمینم.چون برنده شدم.شاید باورتون نشه که اولین بار بود ثبت نام کردم و برنده شدم منتهی همهء دوستام میدونن که من همیشه بهشون میگفتم من اشتباهی اینجا به دنیا اومدم.من متعلق به یو.اس ام.دسکتاپ لپ تاپم همیشه عکس نیویورک بود.
ارسالها: 18
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: May 2015
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
به به، خب نم نمک داره سر و کله برنده ها پیدا میشه و حسابشون از دستمون در رفت... ? دوستانی که میگفتن سیستم مشکل داشته دیدید هیچ اشکالی هم نبوده، فقط ما برنده نشدیم، امیدوارم بتونیم اونقدری تو زندگی تلاش کنیم که همه چیز رو به شانس پیوند نزنیم بلکه با تلاشمون به اهدافمون برسیم. باز هم تبریک به برنده ها، قدر این فرصت رو مثل اعضاء بدنتون بدونید که اگر خدایی نکرده از دست رفت دیگه بر نمیگرده.
ارسالها: 570
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
تبریک به همه برنده های امسال
روزها و شب های شادی داشته باشید
* DV 2014 *
آنچه در این سایت مینویسم صرفا نظرات شخصی من هستند و ممکن است متفاوت با نظرات دیگر باشد. حتی المقدور مطالبی رو نقل میکنم که از صحت آن اطمینان دارم، ولی باز هم بدون شک احتمال اشتباه وجود دارد.
ارسالها: 42
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2015
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
سيستم مشكل داشت قبلا واسه مامانم رو ميزد تايمت اوت ولي تقريبا يك ساعت پيش چك كردم ديدم برنده شده
ارسالها: 114
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Oct 2014
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
اسم دوس دختر منم در اومد
فقط دارم گریه می کنم همین
از مدیریت این سایت هم تشکر می کنم
واسه دوستان هم بگم منم session time out می گرفتم
تاریخ رویت قبولی: May 08 2015 ساعت 5 صبح .
شماره کیس 2016AS44XX
سفارت : ارمنستان
تعداد افراد منظور در کیس 2 نفر
مصاحبه 18 : فوریه همسرم یک ضرب و خودم مراحل اداری
کلیر: با معجزه ی خدا سوم آگوست .....
خدایا منو این دنیا پاک کردی ، اون دنیا هم پاکم کن ....
ارسالها: 20
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2011
تشکر: 0
0 تشکر در 0 ارسال
(2015-05-08 ساعت 04:45)cpd نوشته: (2015-05-08 ساعت 04:43)adel1348 نوشته: United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769
May 05, ۲۰۱۵
Dear EL
You have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year ۲۰۱۶ (October ۱, ۲۰۱۵ to September 30, ۲۰۱۶). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please print out this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.
Approximately 84,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are located on the Department of State website athttp://www.dvselectee.state.gov. All DV-۲۰۱۶ applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification message at the e-mail address you provided when you submitted your initial application.
If you need to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about your case, you may write to KCCDV@state.gov. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name and case number as they appear below. You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry. You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST.
Case Number: 2016AS00004
Principal Applicant Name: EL
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: IRAN
You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to KCCDV@state.gov.
با تبریک فراوان .... دوست عزیز اطلاعاتتون رو کپی نکنید تو جایعمومی ... مخصوصا کیس نامبر ... ادیت کیند لطفا ... خیلی تبریک میگم
(2015-05-08 ساعت 04:43)adel1348 نوشته: United States Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
3505 North Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769
May 05, ۲۰۱۵
Dear EL
You have been randomly selected for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year ۲۰۱۶ (October ۱, ۲۰۱۵ to September 30, ۲۰۱۶). Selection does not guarantee that you will receive a visa because the number of applicants selected is greater than the number of visas available. Please print out this letter and take it with you to your visa interview.
Approximately 84,000 individuals were registered for further processing. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully follow instructions to increase your chances of possible visa issuance. The instructions are located on the Department of State website athttp://www.dvselectee.state.gov. All DV-۲۰۱۶ applicants must use the online DS-260 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Your case will not be scheduled for an interview appointment until a visa number is available. If you are scheduled for an interview, you will receive a notification message at the e-mail address you provided when you submitted your initial application.
If you need to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) about your case, you may write to KCCDV@state.gov. When writing to KCC, you must always include your name and case number as they appear below. You must also include your complete date of birth as stated on your original entry. You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST.
Case Number: 2016AS00004
Principal Applicant Name: EL
Preference Category: DV DIVERSITY
Foreign State Chargeability: IRAN
You may call the Kentucky Consular Center at (+۱) 606-526-7500 between ۷:30am and ۴:00pm EST. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to KCCDV@state.gov.
با تبریک فراوان .... دوست عزیز اطلاعاتتون رو کپی نکنید تو جایعمومی ... مخصوصا کیس نامبر ... ادیت کیند لطفا ... خیلی تبریک میگم
متشكرم از لطفت همانطوري كه مي بيني قسمتي ار كيس نامبر را قيد كردم
شماره کیس : 2012AS00036000
ارسالها: 336
موضوعها: 0
تاریخ عضویت: Oct 2014
تشکر: 0
1 تشکر در 1 ارسال
بچه ها میگن با توجه به اینکه هر سال 125000 هزار رو برنده اعلان میکردن و امسال 85000 هزار رو اعلان کردن ممکنه باز هم قرعه کشی کنند و تعدادی رو برنده اعلان کنند.
کیس نمبر:2015as18/رویت قبولی:15aug/فرستادن فورم:3sep/کارنت شدن کیس:sep
تعداد افراد کیس:یک/نامه دوم:24 فوریه/مصاحبه:نیمه اول اپریل/ویزا:22 اپریل/ورود اول جون/اورنج کانتی

تاریخ گرفتن سوشال یک هفته بعد از ورود
گرین کارت 30 روز بعد از ورود
لیورپول نیویورک