2010-04-25 ساعت 12:32 (آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2010-04-26 ساعت 11:53 توسط elli.)
اصطلاحات مربوط به ديوانه خواندن كسي = Crazy People.
Be nuts = the guy is completely nuts. He goes around in nothing but a pair of shorts in middle of the winter.
.Mad / Barmy= Monica's new boyfreind is completley barmy. he calls her almost every day from Australia.
.Be insane/ Be out of Your mind= anyone who would take a boat out in this weather. must be insane/ Tell the police? are u out of ur mind
.need ur head examined/have taken leave of ur senes= A man who would give his 14 years old son a motorcycle has obviously taken leave of his senses / If u ask me anyone who believes in UFOs needs their head examined.
[be one sandwich short of a picnic= I alway thought Toby was one sandwich short of a picnic. Do u remember how he would sometimes work naked in the garden?
Get my foot in the door = شغلي را از سطح پاييني شروع كردن به علت اينكه در آينده شغل خوبي را در آن سازمان پيدا كردن . مثال: They don't pay me very well for the work I do there at the moment, but at least I've got my foot in the door.
You can't have ur cake and eat it = مثل هم خدا رو مي خواد هم خرما .
Can of worms = موقعيت پيچيده ايي كه اگر طرفش بري مشكلات زيادي رو به همراه داره. در نظر بگيريد ديگه قوطي پر از كرم..
Dump = با كسي بهم زدن-پايان دادن به رابطه مثال: Vicky dumped Neil yesterday
Move on = بعد از يك شكست به زندگي خود ادامه دادن و فراموش كردن اون. مثال: After breaking up, I move on cuz life is still full of hopes for me.
Click = وقتي دو نفر نسبت به هم click مي شوند يعني با هم موافقند و خوششون مياد. مثال: When I first met her, we just clicked, and we're best friends now.
Jerk= آدم مزخرف. مثال: You're such a JERK for leaving me at the mall with no ride home!"
Relationship gut= بعد از بودن در يك رابطه طولاني با كسي ديگه به سر و وضع خود اهميت ندادن. مثال:
Jim: Joe's gained a bit of weight ever since he locked in his girlfriend
Matt:Hes getting a little bit of a relationship gut.
2010-05-07 ساعت 23:36 (آخرین تغییر در ارسال: 2010-05-08 ساعت 01:12 توسط kianoush.)
تعدادی جمله قصار انگلیسی+ترجمه:
whatever dosen`t kill you، makes you stronger!
هر چی که تو رو نکشه، قویت میکنه!
Do something either lead ،follow، or get out of the way
یه کاری بکن!
یا جلو بیفت یا دنباله رو شو ،واگر نه از دور خارج شو.
Have a go، Anybody can do it
راهی رو برو که کمتر کسی می تونه اون راه رو بره.
Courage is its own reward
شجاعت ، شجاعت میاره.
The world is always ready to receive talent whith open arms
دنیا همواره با آغوش باز، پذیرای استعداد های تازه است.
* Break the news = خبري رو براي اولين بار به كسي دادن . مثال: I didn't know how I was goign to break the news to my mom.
* Go back to the drawing board = كاري رو با ايده هاي جديد شروع كردن بعد از شكست . مثال: The current system just isn't working- we need to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.
* Go belly- up = ورشكسته شدن. مثال: My company lost 1$ milion last year. we might go belly- up.
* Flop= نشانگر شكست يك فيلم و محصول و غيره است. مثال: The broadway paly closed after just 4 days. it was a real flop..