2012-04-05 ساعت 23:30
(2012-04-03 ساعت 23:00)maka2 نوشته:(2012-04-03 ساعت 21:38)paymanva نوشته:شما سعی کنید مدارکتون کامل باشه ترجمه و کپی تمام مدارک خودتون وهمراه هاتون رو با ترجمه داشته باشید واسه محکم کاری تا اونجا با مشکل روبرو نشید با تشکر(2012-04-03 ساعت 20:48)M.Haghighi نوشته:ممنون از راهنماييتون(2012-04-03 ساعت 20:41)paymanva نوشته: سلام بچه ها
براي ترجمه شناسنلمه همه صفحات شناسنامه مثل صفحه ٢ و ٣ رو هم بايد ترجمه كرد يا فقط صفحه اول رو بايد ترجمه كرد؟
ممنون ميشم راهنماييم كنيد
با سلام باید بگم بله باید تمام صفحه ها ترجمه بشه و کپی تمام صفحه ها هم برای سفارت آنکارا همراه ترجمه ارسال بشه.
ميشه بگيد ايا ترجمه صفحات شناسنامه و كارت ملي همه همراهانم نياز هست؟
در ضمن كپي همه مدارك ديگر هم نياز هست ارسال شه انكارا يا فقط ترجمه هش كافيه؟
اخه ترجمه ها خودش كپي دار.
BIRTH CERTIFICATES: The birth certificate document required from Turkish applicants is called “Nufus Kayit Ornegi”. It is obtained from any vital statistics office in Turkey. Please send our office the original of this document with the wet seal of the vital statistics office and it must be originally signed. Applicants born in a country other than their country of citizenship must present a birth-certificate from the country in which they were born. Iranian applicant are required to submit a copy of their “Shenasname” and Iraqi applicants are required to submit a copy of their “Hawiat Al Ahwal Al Madniya” with their original English translations. Iranian applicants are required to submit their National ID cards, “Cart e Meli” in addition to their birth certificates. Iraqi applicants are also required to submit their National ID cards, “Shahadat Al Jinsiya Al Iraqiya”.
Please do not send the originals of the Iranian and Iraqi birth certificates and ID cards to our office. Copies with original translations will be sufficient before the interview. Original documents will be required at the time of final interview.